[mou] Bear River Refuge Bird Survey

Bridget_Olson@fws.gov Bridget_Olson@fws.gov
Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:11:32 -0600

Hello Minnesota Bird Friends,

Thought I'd drop you a note as promised and tell you about the birds at
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge near Brigham City, Utah.  Hope to see some
of you at the upcoming Shorebird Workshop at Big Stone Refuge in August!

Waterbird/Raptor Survey Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
Box Elder County

White-faced Ibis young have fledged.  First Western and Clark's Grebe young
observed hitching a ride this week, also first Forster's Tern chicks.
Western Sandpiper numbers in the 10's of 1,000's.  First observation of
both Yellowlegs' species and migrant Marbled Godwits.  The Refuge is down
to 7 wetland units with water remaining out of 26 due to drought
conditions.  It is likely that at least 3 of those will dry out by end of

Canada Goose            2424
Mallard                 1168
Northern Pintail        181
BW Teal           3
GW Teal           506
Cinnamon Teal           1591
N. Shoveler       170
Gadwall           2178
Canvasback        704
Redhead           200
Common Goldeneye  2
Ruddy Duck        2005
Pied-billed Grebe 16
Eared Grebe       17
Western Grebe           132
Clark's Grebe           68
A. W. Pelican           3070
DC Cormorant            101
Great Blue Heron  91
Great Egret       15
Snowy Egret       267
Cattle Egret            3
BC Night Heron          35
WF Ibis                 14910
Snowy Plover            4
Killdeer                59
BN Stilt                3412
American Avocet   1766
Willet                  4
Spotted Sandpiper 14
Greater Yellowlegs      5
Lesser Yellowlegs 22
Long-Billed Curlew      6
Marbled Godwit          1020
Western Sandpiper 22819
Dowitcher Species 7
Common Snipe            1
Wilson's Phalarope      602
Franklin's Gull         2012
California Gull         220
Caspian Tern            40
Forster's Tern          92
Virginia Rail           1
Sora              3
Am. coot          7827
Sandhill Crane          11
Turkey Vulture          2
Northern Harrier        1
Red-Tailed Hawk   5

Bridget Olson
Wildlife Biologist
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
58 S. 950 W.
Brigham City, UT  84302
Phone: 435/723-5887 ext. 13
Fax: 435/723-8873