[mou] Goldfinch song

Susan McKechnie Wiste swisstea@gctel.com
Sat, 19 Jul 2003 20:57:35 -0500

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As I was looking at an adult male Goldfinch in my garden this morning, I =
was astonished when it started doing a pretty good imitation of a Phoebe =
- albeit in a thin high "voice."  I do have Phoebes nesting in the yard =
- is it out of the question that he could have been mimicking the Phoebe =
or is it just a fluke??

Susan Wiste
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<DIV><FONT face=3DRockwell size=3D2>As I was looking at an adult male =
Goldfinch in=20
my garden this morning, I was astonished when it started doing a pretty =
imitation of a Phoebe - albeit in a thin high "voice."&nbsp; I do have =
nesting in the yard - is it out of the question that he could have been=20
mimicking the Phoebe or is it just a fluke??</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DRockwell size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DRockwell size=3D2>Susan Wiste</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DRockwell =
