[mou] Conservation through birding -- CTB SUMMIT SEPT 11th

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sun, 20 Jul 2003 17:05:15 -0700

This is an important meeting for all concerned about the conservation of
birds. CTB stands for Conservation through Birding. It is a national
grass-roots organization in its fledgling stage. It can be an important
player in the growing movement to alert more birders -- all birders -- to
the need to move conservation to the front rank of efforts of organizations
like the MOU. Plan to attend. I can supply detail to anyone interested. Also
check the CTB web site at www.conservationthroughbirding.org
Jim Williams

> From: "Ron Windingstad" <rwindingstad@charter.net>
> Reply-To: Conservationthroughbirding@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 15:29:22 -0500
> To: <Conservationthroughbirding@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [Conservationthroughbirding] CTB SUMMIT _ SEPT 11th
> Hope many of you will be able to attend the CTB Summit on September 11th , in
> Green Bay! I know it will be serving as a foundation for many future
> discussions and actions moving CTB further along the path in our bird
> conservation efforts!
> As I said I hope most of you can attend.  Whether you are able to or not, I
> think it would be good for each of us to send the link of
> http://www.conservationthroughbirding.org/purpose.html  to five or more
> colleagues, friends or  acquaintances. We can each put it in newsletters, list
> serves etc to promote the summit AND CTB!
> And remember those of you staying for the Midwest Birding Symposium to make
> your reservations early as the Packers have a home game on Sunday. We tried to
> have them switch their schedule around but they wouldn't go for it. Guess they
> just have their priorities turned around.
> By the end of this week we will have the speaker positions filled and bios on
> each of them!
> Regards
> Ron Windingstad