[mou] NW Minnesota - 7/21/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 23:07:09 EDT

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Spent the day working on some year birds in North Western Minnesota, with 
Linda Sparling and Bob Dunlap.  We also spent quit a bit of time searching 
unsuccessfully for the Little Blue Heron.  Note how important the time of the 
sighting can be in addition to good directions.  We searched without success for the 
Little Blue Heron between 8:00 and 9:30am and again at 6:30pm.  We also spent 
a lot of time in and around the area.  Missing the Snowy Egret, but birding 
that spot at least 6 times!!  Great find Dennis, hope to get back up that way 
again on the weekend.  We saw 100s of Egrets and Herons and did locate 8 Cattle 
Egrets, see posting for directions.  Here were some of the other interesting 
species that we found:

@ Cattle Egret - 8 birds were observed just East of the location where the 
little Blue Heron has been seen.  From Grant County Rd 54 & Douglas CR 19, go 1 
mile East to Ashby Estates Rd E, Go North on this road to the bend in the 
road, approx. 1 mile.  We observed 8 Cattle Egrets in the pasture next to the 
little marsh between 8:45 and 9:00am.  There were many other interesting birds 
here as well including a family of Orchard Orioles.
@ American Bittern - observed in the cattails next to the road that runs 
North and South at Rothsay WMA in Wilkin County
@ Greater Prairie Chicken - Clay County - CR 26, 1/2 mile East of the 
Longspur Road.  4 birds were observed.
@ There was a nice mix of shorebirds in Douglas County at these locations.
1. CR 56 & CR 15
2. CR 15 & CR 8
3 CR 56 & CR 7
@ Loggerhead Shrike - Clay County - CR 26 and the Longspur Road - Two birds 
were observed  
@ Chestnut Collared Longspur - Clay County - numerous Chestnut Collared 
Longspurs continue sing on territory on there traditional site at Felton Prairie.
@ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - Wilkin County - A single bird was heard on 
the North side of the road near the main Prairie Chicken Lek at Rothsay WMA.  
The bird was singing at about 12:30pm.
@ Le Conte's Sparrow - Wilkin County - Several birds were heard in several 
locations at Rothsay WMA.
@ Orchard Oriole - this species was observed in 4 counties at multiple sights 
in several of the counties.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">7/21/03<BR>
Spent the day working on some year birds in North Western Minnesota, with Li=
nda Sparling and Bob Dunlap.&nbsp; We also spent quit a bit of time searchin=
g unsuccessfully for the Little Blue Heron.&nbsp; Note how important the tim=
e of the sighting can be in addition to good directions.&nbsp; We searched w=
ithout success for the Little Blue Heron between 8:00 and 9:30am and again a=
t 6:30pm.&nbsp; We also spent a lot of time in and around the area.&nbsp; Mi=
ssing the Snowy Egret, but birding that spot at least 6 times!!&nbsp; Great=20=
find Dennis, hope to get back up that way again on the weekend.&nbsp; We saw=
 100s of Egrets and Herons and did locate 8 Cattle Egrets, see posting for d=
irections.&nbsp; Here were some of the other interesting species that we fou=
@ Cattle Egret - 8 birds were observed just East of the location where the l=
ittle Blue Heron has been seen.&nbsp; From Grant County Rd 54 &amp; Douglas=20=
CR 19, go 1 mile East to Ashby Estates Rd E, Go North on this road to the be=
nd in the road, approx. 1 mile.&nbsp; We observed 8 Cattle Egrets in the pas=
ture next to the little marsh between 8:45 and 9:00am.&nbsp; There were many=
 other interesting birds here as well including a family of Orchard Orioles.=
@ American Bittern - observed in the cattails next to the road that runs Nor=
th and South at Rothsay WMA in Wilkin County<BR>
@ Greater Prairie Chicken - Clay County - CR 26, 1/2 mile East of the Longsp=
ur Road.&nbsp; 4 birds were observed.<BR>
@ There was a nice mix of shorebirds in Douglas County at these locations.<B=
1. CR 56 &amp; CR 15<BR>
2. CR 15 &amp; CR 8<BR>
3 CR 56 &amp; CR 7<BR>
@ Loggerhead Shrike - Clay County - CR 26 and the Longspur Road - Two birds=20=
were observed&nbsp; <BR>
@ Chestnut Collared Longspur - Clay County - numerous Chestnut Collared Long=
spurs continue sing on territory on there traditional site at Felton Prairie=
@ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - Wilkin County - A single bird was heard on=
 the North side of the road near the main Prairie Chicken Lek at Rothsay WMA=
.&nbsp; The bird was singing at about 12:30pm.<BR>
@ Le Conte's Sparrow - Wilkin County - Several birds were heard in several l=
ocations at Rothsay WMA.<BR>
@ Orchard Oriole - this species was observed in 4 counties at multiple sight=
s in several of the counties.<BR>