[mou] 2 Little Blue Herons/Douglas Co

Dan & Sandy Thimgan thimgan@digitaljam.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:36:59 -0500

There is not just one, but now two Little Blue Herons being seen at the 
Douglas County locations of recent posts.  In addition to the immature 
LBH, Ben & Mary from Long Prairie discovered an adult at the same 
location today (Wednesday, 7/23 ) about 2:00 p.m.

We had seen the immature about an hour earlier, and after we talked 
with Ben & Mary (we hope they post so we get their last names right, 
and they can receive the adulation they deserve!), we zipped right back 
to the spot where lo and behold and what to our wondering eyes should 
appear, but an adult LBH in the same vicinity.  We watched for about 
7-8 minutes, snapped our usual couple of mediocre pictures, and then 
watched as the pair took off and circled off into the northwest.

The Snowy Egret and Cattle Egrets were also seen between 1:00 - 3:30 
this afternoon at locations noted in previous posts.

--Dan & Sandy

Dan & Sandy Thimgan
Battle Lake, MN
Otter Tail Co.