[mou] Re: [mnbird] 2 Little Blue Herons/Douglas Co

Mary Kroll Mary Kroll" <krollcom@rea-alp.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 19:28:12 -0500

Well, as long as we're heaping credit, thanks to Dan and Sandy for pointing
us to the cattle egrets.  And I can't take any credit for finding little
blue heron adult--my eagle-eyed son is the one who found the herons after a
quick scan with the scope.  I was busy poking a stick at a smashed snake on
the road.  Anyway, we got a nice look, and a great look at them flying with
Dan and Sandy.  Thanks again for your help making this a great birding day
for us!

Mary Kroll
Ben Fritchman's Mom

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan & Sandy Thimgan" <thimgan@digitaljam.com>
To: "Mnbird" <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>; "MOU" <mou-net@biosci.cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: [mnbird] 2 Little Blue Herons/Douglas Co

> There is not just one, but now two Little Blue Herons being seen at the
> Douglas County locations of recent posts.  In addition to the immature
> LBH, Ben & Mary from Long Prairie discovered an adult at the same
> location today (Wednesday, 7/23 ) about 2:00 p.m.
> We had seen the immature about an hour earlier, and after we talked
> with Ben & Mary (we hope they post so we get their last names right,
> and they can receive the adulation they deserve!), we zipped right back
> to the spot where lo and behold and what to our wondering eyes should
> appear, but an adult LBH in the same vicinity.  We watched for about
> 7-8 minutes, snapped our usual couple of mediocre pictures, and then
> watched as the pair took off and circled off into the northwest.
> The Snowy Egret and Cattle Egrets were also seen between 1:00 - 3:30
> this afternoon at locations noted in previous posts.
> --Dan & Sandy
> ***
> Dan & Sandy Thimgan
> Battle Lake, MN
> Otter Tail Co.
> thimgan@digitaljam.com
>  >^..^<
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