[mou] Adult Little Blue still in Douglas

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 00:31:27 EDT

Just because it's a trek for some folks, I want to report that today, July 
24, I observed the adult Little Blue Heron from 6:00-6:30 p.m.  Junior must have 
been grounded (cavorting with Cattle Egrets?).  I'd watched for an hour at 
mid afternoon with no luck and was delighted to scare up the LBH at the east end 
of the location to which it and/or the juvenile have returned regularly.  The 
bird was actively feeding on frog legs (OK whole frogs) and smaller critters. 
 It worked the east end pretty thoroughly.
I also relocated the Snowy Egret in the same spot Dennis 1st saw it.  It was 
very skiddish.  The 1st time I stopped by the location it flew off right away. 
 When I returned I parked further away and scoped from the far end of the 
wetland.  I was able to note the pertinent field marks (it was standing on a mud 
flat so those bright yellow feet really contrasted with the dark legs.  It 
spooked again so I left quickly.
After having great close up looks at the Cattle Egrets (8 of them within 20 
yards of the road) with Craig and Bob on Monday, I had to see if I could get 
the big numbers others reported.  The cattle were far from the road, but 
surrounded by white.  I was shocked to count 54 Cattle Egrets!  I had to count twice! 

Linda Sparling
Hennepin County