[mou] Info on shorebird spots

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:24:41 -0500

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I been reading about all the shorebirds being seen this late July and =
was hoping I could get some information about some places.

I am leading a trip to Dakota County and some of Scott County for =
shorebirds and was wondering what if the sod farms isn't as productive =
as last year what would be my backup plan?  So if you have any shorebird =
spots that are nearby the Twin Cities can you reply to this and give =
locations so I can mark it down?  I need places that are currently doing =
well with shorebirds and possibly would hold up till August 23rd.   We =
are meeting at 7am at the Park and Ride off I-35W near Black Dog Lake =
and if you have a place other than Dakota Co or Scott Co that can be =
reached in a hour or so please send your spots to me.

Thanks so much!

Mike Hendrickson
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<DIV>I been reading about all the shorebirds being seen this late July =
and was=20
hoping I could get some information about some places.</DIV>
<DIV>I am leading a trip to Dakota County and some of Scott County for=20
shorebirds and was wondering what if the sod farms isn't as productive =
as last=20
year what would be my backup plan?&nbsp; So if you have any shorebird =
spots that=20
are nearby the Twin Cities can you reply to this and give locations so I =
mark it down?&nbsp; I need places that are currently doing well with =
and possibly would hold up till August 23rd.&nbsp;&nbsp; We are meeting =
at 7am=20
at the Park and Ride off I-35W near Black Dog Lake and if you have a =
place other=20
than Dakota Co or Scott Co that can be reached in a hour or so please =
send your=20
spots to me.</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks so much!</DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV></BODY></HTML>
