[mou] Lazuli Bunting, White-faced Ibis et al.

Kim R. Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 22:13:59 -0500

This weekend, May 31-June 1, the Minnesota Birding Weekends group found
several birds of note in Rock & Pipestone Co's, especially a male Lazuli
Bunting and 5 White-faced Ibis. The bunting was at Blue Mounds State Park
Saturday morning in the wooded area near the main park entrance, about 100
yards downstream from the dam below the campground lake.

The ibis were first spotted by Bob Dunlap in Luverne as they flew past the
jct of I-90 and Hwy 75. Since it appeared they were headed for the sewage
ponds W of town adjacent to the Gold N' Plump plant, the group drove there
and found them foraging in the easternmost pond. Here we were able to
confirm the ID of all 5 individuals as adult White-faced Ibis.

Other significant finds during the MBW trip included:

Surf Scoter - today at the Pipestone sewage ponds (1st county record?)

Hudsonian Godwit - today at Luverne sewage ponds (total of 14 shorebird
species here)

E Screech-Owl - yesterday evening at the "usual spot" on the minimum
maintenance road 1/2 mi E of the large gravel pit ponds just SE of Blue
Mounds: this location has been reliably consistent for this owl since at
least the mid-1970s -- is anyone aware of any other screech-owl location
that has been as reliable for 25+ years?

Alder Flycatcher - numerous late migrants (ID by call note or song) at
almost every wooded location we birded both days; also 2 Yellow-bellied
Flycatchers today in Pipestone Co, but no Willows (not in yet?)

late migrant warblers - 8 species total (not incl locally nesting Yellow &
Com Yellowthroat): incl Blackburnian, Blackpoll & Mourning

Blue Grosbeak - found only once: a pair yesterday along the main park
entrance road at Blue Mounds

Great-tailed Grackle - yesterday at Hills sewage ponds, Rock Co (1st county
record?): at least 3 males & 3 females along the W edge of the ponds,
possibly nesting in the marsh at the NW corner of the ponds

We also met Barb & Denny Martin who saw an apparent hybrid Eastern X
Spotted Towhee at Blue Mounds along the escarpment today; also today they
spotted an adult Common Tern at the Ruthton sewage ponds in Pipestone Co
(which was still present when I arrived).

Kim Eckert