[mou] MRVAC Sherburne NWR - Field Trip Report - 6/1/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 00:02:05 EDT

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Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Field Trip Report

6 - Participants
71 - Species observed

Spent the afternoon at Sherburne NWR.  Our group was treated to some 
wonderful breading birds, with a pair of Least Bitterns being the highlight for me.  
Here are some of my favorite sightings.

@ Least Bittern - 2 observed at the Big Blue Stem Pool and one heard from the 
parking area that has interpretive signs about draw downs. 
@ Ruffed Grouse - heard along Blue Hill Trail
@ Sandhill Crane 
@ Golden-winged Warbler - Heard along Blue Hill trail
@ Grasshopper Sparrow - Near entrance to the wildlife drive and at the 
parking area for the Blue Hill trail
@ Lark Sparrow - several locations along the wildlife drive

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">6/1/03<BR>
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter<BR>
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge<BR>
Field Trip Report<BR>
6 - Participants<BR>
71 - Species observed<BR>
Spent the afternoon at Sherburne NWR.&nbsp; Our group was treated to some wo=
nderful breading birds, with a pair of Least Bitterns being the highlight fo=
r me.&nbsp; Here are some of my favorite sightings.<BR>
@ Least Bittern - 2 observed at the Big Blue Stem Pool and one heard from th=
e parking area that has interpretive signs about draw downs. <BR>
@ Ruffed Grouse - heard along Blue Hill Trail<BR>
@ Sandhill Crane <BR>
@ Golden-winged Warbler - Heard along Blue Hill trail<BR>
@ Grasshopper Sparrow - Near entrance to the wildlife drive and at the parki=
ng area for the Blue Hill trail<BR>
@ Lark Sparrow - several locations along the wildlife drive<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
