[mou] RFI: Boreal Birds

Mon, 2 Jun 2003 18:11:24 EDT

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I will be in northeastern/northcentral Minnesota in mid June for several days 
looking for several of the specialities of the area.  I would appreciate any 
info which can be provided by local birders regarding where, when and how to 
see the following birds.

Connecticut Warbler
Boreal Chickadee
White-winged Crossbill
Northern Saw Whet Owl
Great Gray Owl
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Alder Flycatcher
Black-backed Woodpecker

Thanks in advance for your help.

Phil Craighead
Weatherford, TX

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I will be in northeastern/northcentral Minnesota in mi=
d June for several days looking for several of the specialities of the area.=
&nbsp; I would appreciate any info which can be provided by local birders re=
garding where, when and how to see the following birds.<BR>
Connecticut Warbler<BR>
Boreal Chickadee<BR>
White-winged Crossbill<BR>
Northern Saw Whet Owl<BR>
Great Gray Owl<BR>
Sharp-tailed Grouse<BR>
Spruce Grouse<BR>
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher<BR>
Alder Flycatcher<BR>
Black-backed Woodpecker<BR>
Thanks in advance for your help.<BR>
Phil Craighead<BR>
Weatherford, TX</FONT></HTML>
