[mou] Peregrine Banding Saturday Morning

sharonks@mn.rr.com sharonks@mn.rr.com
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 11:55:52 -0400

I just got off the phone with Mark Martell and Saturday morning at 10:45am=

he and Bud Tordoff will be banding the peregrine falcons that are nesting
on the Space Needle on the State Fair Grounds=2E  He said due to the locat=
of the nest, it's okay for people to come and watch=2E  If you haven't
watched peregrine banding before, this is a real treat--especially to watc=
the parent birds dive at the banders' heads as they approach the nest=2E=20=

Also, you get to talk to Bud who knows every peregrine in Minnesota=2E  He=

follows peregrine lineage the way my grandmother keeps track of all her
characters on her soap operas!  So, meet at the Space Needle at 10:45am,

Also, the bobolinks that Val Cunningham found are just a couple blocks awa=
from this spot--what more excuse do you need?

Sharon Stiteler=20
the official bird lady of www=2Eneilgaiman=2Ecom=20

See the mouse incident=20
www=2Ewildbirdstore=2Enet/kare11=2Ehtml  =20

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