[mou] Sunset to Sunrise great birding in Aitkin Co.

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Mon, 09 Jun 2003 20:00:26

On Sunday and Monday Leslie Marcus, Susan Schumacher, and I went up to Aitkin Co birding for their specialties.  This included a terrific visit to Savanna Portage State Park with over 15,000 acres of rolling hills, lakes, and bogs with Warblers like the Conneticut, Mourning, Blackburnian, Black-throated Green, and Pine to enjoy all over again.  

We also enjoyed a fun evening at the McGregor Marsh in the area along Mn 65, South of Mn 210.  It was a mild, calm night with a half moon and lots of fireflys glowing around the Marsh.  We were happy to hear our first Yellow Rail begin its clicking "tik-tik-tik" at 9:30, and continued to hear 3 calling at .2 and .3 mi south of mile marker 161.  We went over to the Marsh snowmobile access trail behind the Country Meadows Inn, and the Fireside Restaurant on the NW side of McGregor where Hwy 65 goes North from 210.  There were 2 Yellow Rails calling, and standing behind the buildings was a lot less scary than a busy hwy, but near as much fun!!!

Early this morning we drove to the town of Tamarack and went South on CR16, and enjoyed an early morning full of wonderful sights and sounds.  The fog was rolling across the fields and meadows and Common Snipe were perched repeatedly calling that wheet-wheet-wheet song back and forth, while others were winnowing in flight display, and landing close to the side of the road.  

At .2 from the corner on the West side in the field near an old abandoned barn we heard the buzzy calls of 3 Le Conte's Sparrows.  At .4 on the East side there were were 9 Sharp-tailed Grouse halfway out in the field, and they were bending over with that pointed tail straight up, wings spread out and quivering, chasing and charging at each other.  We watched for 45 min before they left flying across the road, into the field and trees.  Watching the Sharp-tailed Grouse romp out in the dew covered grass glistening like crystals with the morning sun shining on it was a remarkable sight, that was very memorable for us.

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty