[mou] Lanesboro

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 21:27:40 -0500

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I just got back from a short family vacation from Lanesboro, MN.

Today the following birds were seen at Eagle Bluff.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Scarlet Tanagers
Yellow-breasted Vireos

  a.. Talked to the director of the center and at his residence house =
near the Schroeder House he has Tufted Titmouse coming to his feeder but =
not when I was there.
I found copper-bellied snake lying on the foot path and I played =
crocodile hunter and showed my two children the snake.

I also visited this Avian Acres in Lanesboro which is really a neat =
place to buy feeders and seed for birds.  The owner also has a petting =
zoo in which my kids loved.

The best thing about the trip was going to Canton and traveling Co. Rd. =
21 off 52 and see the Amish folks trotting around in their buggies.  =
Monica and the kids never seen Amish folks before.   Also if your in =
Lanesboro we ate breakfast at the Chat and Chew and MAN its by far the =
best breakfast I eaten in a caf=E9!   Oh, if you are looking for a place =
to eat dinner eat at the Big Barn restaurant off Co. Rd 8 between =
Fountain and Lanesboro.  Best steaks I ever eaten.

 On the way home I saw a Swainson's Hawk perched along 52 in Dakota Co.  =
Close to the Vermillion cut off.

Mike H.

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<DIV>I just got back from a short family vacation from Lanesboro, =
<DIV>Today the following birds were seen at Eagle Bluff.</DIV>
<DIV>Yellow-billed Cuckoo</DIV>
<DIV>Scarlet Tanagers</DIV>
<DIV>Yellow-breasted Vireos</DIV>
  <LI>Talked to the director of the center and at his residence house =
near the=20
  Schroeder House he has Tufted Titmouse coming to his feeder but not =
when I was=20
<DIV>I found copper-bellied snake lying on the foot path and I played =
hunter and showed my two children the snake.</DIV>
<DIV>I also visited this Avian Acres in Lanesboro which is really a neat =
to buy feeders and seed for birds.&nbsp; The owner also has a petting =
zoo in=20
which my kids loved.</DIV>
<DIV>The best thing about the trip was going to Canton and traveling Co. =
Rd. 21=20
off 52 and see the Amish folks&nbsp;trotting around in their =
Monica and the kids never seen Amish folks before.&nbsp;&nbsp; Also if =
your in=20
Lanesboro we ate breakfast at the Chat and Chew and MAN its by far the =
breakfast I eaten in a caf=E9!&nbsp;&nbsp; Oh, if you are looking for a =
place to=20
eat dinner eat at the Big Barn restaurant off Co. Rd 8 between Fountain =
Lanesboro.&nbsp; Best steaks I ever eaten.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;On the way home I saw a Swainson's Hawk perched along 52 in =
Co.&nbsp; Close to the Vermillion cut off.</DIV>
<DIV>Mike H.</DIV>
