[mou] Hovland BBS

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:32:20 -0700

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The Hovland BBS, done on Saturday, produced nothing unusual. This was my
first time on this route, so I have no comparisons to make. White-throated
Sparrows were present at almost every stop. Warblers were present as
expected. Three Pileated Woodpeckers was more than I expected to find. One
American Bittern was heard.

Jim Williams

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<BLOCKQUOTE>The Hovland BBS, done on Saturday, produced nothing unusual. Th=
is was my first time on this route, so I have no comparisons to make. White-=
throated Sparrows were present at almost every stop. Warblers were present a=
s expected. Three Pileated Woodpeckers was more than I expected to find. One=
 American Bittern was heard. <BR>
Jim Williams<BR>
