[mou] Snowy Egrets, Pope County (late note)

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Sun, 15 Jun 2003 09:42:18 EDT

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The Glenwood Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) turned up 2 Snowy Egrets in 
successive stops on Thursday.  The birds were seen by Ben Fritchman and myself .5 to 
1.5 miles east of County Rd. 41 on the north side of County Rd. 16 in some 
extensive wetland areas. The birds were not seen later thta day and we suspect that 
these are birds that may be breeding at Lake Johanna in SE Pope County and 
foraging during the morning although the lake is over 12 miles away.

Other lowlights and highlights of this BBS included 81 species, several 
loons, Green Heron, Wood Thrush, several Veery, Black-billed Cuckoo, increased 
numbers of Vesper Sparrow and decreased numbers of Savanna Sparrow, one Upland 
Sandpiper,  one lone P Martin at a poorly managed colony outside Glacial Ridge 
State Park, lower numbers of ducks and increases in pheasant numbers, no 
Dickcissels, and 900+ Canada Geese heading north to their molting grounds, an early 
morning characteristic of prairie BBSs.  Anyone have any idea how far north 
these birds fly to molt?

Since this is June, the main breeding month, I think it would be instructive 
if other BBS compilers posted a short summary of their findings so birders 
could get a big picture view of what's happening across the state.

Bob Russell, West St. Paul

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">The Glenwood Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) turned up 2 Sn=
owy Egrets in successive stops on Thursday.&nbsp; The birds were seen by Ben=
 Fritchman and myself .5 to 1.5 miles east of County Rd. 41 on the north sid=
e of County Rd. 16 in some extensive wetland areas. The birds were not seen=20=
later thta day and we suspect that these are birds that may be breeding at L=
ake Johanna in SE Pope County and foraging during the morning although the l=
ake is over 12 miles away.<BR>
Other lowlights and highlights of this BBS included 81 species, several loon=
s, Green Heron, Wood Thrush, several Veery, Black-billed Cuckoo, increased n=
umbers of Vesper Sparrow and decreased numbers of Savanna Sparrow, one Uplan=
d Sandpiper,&nbsp; one lone P Martin at a poorly managed colony outside Glac=
ial Ridge State Park, lower numbers of ducks and increases in pheasant numbe=
rs, no Dickcissels, and 900+ Canada Geese heading north to their molting gro=
unds, an early morning characteristic of prairie BBSs.&nbsp; Anyone have any=
 idea how far north these birds fly to molt?<BR>
Since this is June, the main breeding month, I think it would be instructive=
 if other BBS compilers posted a short summary of their findings so birders=20=
could get a big picture view of what's happening across the state.<BR>
Bob Russell, West St. Paul</FONT></HTML>
