[mou] Little Blue Heron

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 18:29:21 -0700 (PDT)

I just checked that area about 6 PM Tuesday night and
there was no Little Blue Heron at that time.  I did
see 6 Wilson's phalaropes which made me very happy.
I believe that those drawn down pools could be checked
twice a day and you would see different birds.
On my way back to leaveing the area I saw 6 marbled
godwits- there was only one in the area just one-half
hour earlier.
  So that Little Blue could still be in the area and
just wandered off. I will check tomorrow.
Shelley Steva- Pennington Co.
--- Matthew Bribitzer-Stull <mpbs@umn.edu> wrote:
> Dear MN birders:
> I have lurked on the list for the past few months,
> having moved back to 
> Minnesota after a twelve-year hiatus. This past
> week, my father and I 
> appreciated just how wonderful the birds in this
> state are. We birded 
> northern Minnesota including: Duluth, Sax-Zim, Rice
> Lake, McGregor, 
> Agassiz, Felton Prairie, and many others. Among our
> 160+ species was one 
> I have to share with the list: a LITTLE BLUE HERON
> at Farmes Pool in 
> Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge. The bird was seen
> on the south side of 
> the pool around 10AM on Monday, June 16.
> Best,
> Matt
> -- 
> Matthew Bribitzer-Stull
> Assistant Professor of Music Theory
> University of Minnesota
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