[mou] BBS report

tnejbell@attbi.com tnejbell@attbi.com
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:04:23 +0000

   Elizabeth and I completed the Chandler BBS route in southwest Minnesota on 
June 15. We went west of Slayton on Hwy 30, then one mile west of Lake Wilson 
to Murray CR-26, then south four miles to our start point, which was a bit over 
a mile west of Chandler, not too far from the location of previously reported 
Blue Grosbeaks this year. Most of the 25-mile route was cultivated and 
pastured, The only habitat breaks were the road ditches, fence lines, farmstead 
groves, and green water swales.
   Our "best" bird was a male Blue Grosbeak singing from a cottonwood tree at 
our second stop. 43°55.229' & 95°59.033'.
   Some pleasant observations: There were many more Ring-necked Pheasants than 
expected and more Western Meadowlarks, Common Yellowthroats were frequent and 
heard from some very small patches of suitable habitat, We had Cliff Swallows 
at several bridges and Gray Partridge at 2 stops, We saw one Upland Sandpiper 
at stop #23 (43°48.256' & 95°59.033). We saw only one raptor, a Swainson's 
Hawk, and saw Bobolinks at only one stop, We had Orchard Oriole and Red-headed 
Woodpecker at one stop, We saw Dickcissels at four stops.