[mou] Swainson's Hawk in Carver

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Sat, 21 Jun 2003 22:51:37 EDT

I saw a SWAINSON'S HAWK in Carver Park, on the Tamarack Trail between  the 
bog and Lake Trail.  It was flying over the path by the grassy area to the SW of 
the lake.  I was able to get good looks at its dark rusty head, white body 
(with some faint streaking) and white wing linings, dark flight feathers.  It 
had something in its beak and flew over a rise then disappeared.  I've seen 
Swainson's several times this year in Dakota county and SW MN.  I'm as certain as 
can be that my ID is correct.  I checked with the naturalist and she told me 
that this would be a 1st record for the park.
Also seen:
Cerulean Warbler, male - the best look I've had!  He was singing, then came 
into view in a tree right off the path, about 15 feet up.  Aspen Trail, between 
Oak Trail and the boardwalk.
Scarlet Tanager, male - Aspen Trail
Blue-winged Warbler - by the south entrance to the Tamarack Bog.
Veery - singing in the Tamarack Bog.
Bobolinks, male and female - Tamarack Trail in the same area as the 
Trumpeter Swans - King Blind - no babies

Lots of the "Usual Suspects" for a colorful, musical day.

Linda Sparling
Hennepin County