[mou] Back from Tennessess

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:27:58 -0500

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Well I survived the first family trip to Nashville and Gatlinburg Tenn.  =
 I owe a lot of credit to the 9 inch TV with VCR and Nintendo game cube!

The trip was fun and had some interesting highlights.  In Rockford =
Illinois I went to the emergency hospital to have the staff look at my =
lower right calf as it balloon to the size of a elephant leg!  Before =
the trip I rip or strain a tendon and all the driving made it swell up.  =
I was fitted for a make shift cast and told not to drive and do very =
little walking!  Monica drove thru Indiana and before that I navigated =
her thru Chicago. Finally I decided to go against doctors orders and =
drove from Louisville to Bowling Green where we ate dinner at some =
greasy diner with locals repeating "HiALL" all the time and I ate my =
first bowl of grits!

Nashville was great and the drive was beautiful reminded me a lot of SE =
Minnesota.  We stayed 2 nights at the Grand Ole Opry Hotel and if you =
haven't been there its like removing all the shops at the Mall of =
America and replacing it with hotel rooms (1500+ of them) and add 2 huge =
garden conservatories.  It was a town of its own.

Gatlinburg was sad!  A very very beautiful little town that was created =
into this tourist town.  The 2 mile stretch of town took 1 hour to =
travel.  The sidewalks were loaded with tourists, bikers, hikers, hobos, =
 and young kids walking around in bride dresses and guys in tuxes ready =
to get married in one of the several chapels along the strip.  One =
couple was pushing a baby buggy into the chapel to get married!!  ( a =
little backwards but made for some chuckles).

The Smoky Mts are outstanding!  We took the auto tour in the mountains =
and I couldn't pass the image of the "Waltons" TV show as we saw a few =
old homesteads in the hills. =20

Well the trip was fun and I saw a specialist for my leg and the leg is =
healing just fine.  I am very glad to be back in the north and the cool =
air and cold fronts off lake Superior.

Remember August 23rd there is a MOU Bird trip and there is plenty of =
room and also many stories about the trip that will knock your socks =
off!  So please give me a reply and sign up for the bird trip to Dakota =
Co to look for shorebirds at sewage ponds and sod farms.

Mike H.
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<DIV>Well I survived the first family trip to Nashville and Gatlinburg=20
Tenn.&nbsp;&nbsp; I owe a lot of credit to the 9 inch TV with VCR and =
game cube!</DIV>
<DIV>The trip was fun and had some interesting highlights.&nbsp; In =
Illinois I went to the emergency hospital to have the staff look at my =
right calf as it balloon to the size of a elephant leg!&nbsp; Before the =
trip I=20
rip or strain a tendon and all the driving made it swell up.&nbsp; I was =
for a make shift cast and told not to drive and do very little =
Monica drove thru Indiana and before that I navigated her thru Chicago. =
I decided to go against doctors orders and drove from Louisville to =
Green where we ate dinner at some greasy diner with locals repeating =
"HiALL" all=20
the time and I ate my first bowl of grits!</DIV>
<DIV>Nashville was great and the drive was beautiful reminded me a lot =
of SE=20
Minnesota.&nbsp; We stayed 2 nights at the Grand Ole Opry Hotel and if =
haven't been there its like removing all the shops at the Mall of =
America and=20
replacing it with hotel rooms (1500+ of them) and add 2 huge garden=20
conservatories.&nbsp; It was a town of its own.</DIV>
<DIV>Gatlinburg was sad!&nbsp; A very very beautiful little town that =
created into this tourist town.&nbsp; The 2 mile stretch of town took 1 =
hour to=20
travel.&nbsp; The sidewalks were loaded with tourists, bikers, hikers,=20
hobos,&nbsp; and young kids walking around in bride dresses and guys in =
ready to get married in one of the several chapels along the =
strip.&nbsp; One=20
couple was pushing a baby buggy into the chapel to get married!!&nbsp; ( =
little backwards but made for some chuckles).</DIV>
<DIV>The Smoky Mts are outstanding!&nbsp; We took the auto tour in the =
and I couldn't pass the image of the "Waltons" TV show as we saw a few =
homesteads in the hills.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Well the trip was fun and I saw a specialist for my leg and the leg =
healing just fine.&nbsp; I am very glad to be back in the north and the =
cool air=20
and cold fronts off lake Superior.</DIV>
<DIV>Remember August 23rd there is a MOU Bird trip and there is plenty =
of room=20
and also many stories about the trip that will knock your socks =
off!&nbsp; So=20
please give me a reply and sign up for the bird trip to Dakota Co to =
look for=20
shorebirds at sewage ponds and sod farms.</DIV>
<DIV>Mike H.</DIV></BODY></HTML>
