[mou] Wilkin/Clay/Ottertail Counties - 3/17/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:28:12 EST

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Linda Sparling and I spent the day birding in Wilkin, Clay and Ottertail 
counties.  We tried and missed on the Varied Thrush at Moorhead and as 
previously reported there are no longer any Goldeneye's returning to the spot 
in Fergus Falls.  

Some of the birds we did find were Golden Eagle, Gray Partridge, Greater 
Prairie Chicken, and a nesting Great Horned Owl.  With the warm weather and 
cloudless sky, it was a very nice day of birding on the Prairie.

@ Golden Eagle - A first year bird was observed at the Rothsay WMA
@ Gray Partridge - Linda spotted a female Gray Partridge along the railroad 
tracks on the East side Of Hyw 52 at the intersection of CR 69 in Clay 
@ Greater Prairie Chickens - Observed at Town Hall Prairie, Rothsay WMA and 
CR 26, 1 mile West of CR 15 in Wilkin county.
@ Great Horned Owl - located a bird on a nest along CR 21 about 2 miles north 
of CR 11 in Ottertail county.
@ Western Meadowlark - A single Meadowlark was observed and heard making its 
call note along Clay County Road 11, just south of the town of Sabin.
@ Rusty Blackbird - a single Male Rusty Blackbird was observed at the same 
location as the Great Horned Owl.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">3/17/03<BR>
Linda Sparling and I spent the day birding in Wilkin, Clay and Ottertail cou=
nties.&nbsp; We tried and missed on the Varied Thrush at Moorhead and as pre=
viously reported there are no longer any Goldeneye's returning to the spot i=
n Fergus Falls.&nbsp; <BR>
Some of the birds we did find were Golden Eagle, Gray Partridge, Greater Pra=
irie Chicken, and a nesting Great Horned Owl.&nbsp; With the warm weather an=
d cloudless sky, it was a very nice day of birding on the Prairie.<BR>
@ Golden Eagle - A first year bird was observed at the Rothsay WMA<BR>
@ Gray Partridge - Linda spotted a female Gray Partridge along the railroad=20=
tracks on the East side Of Hyw 52 at the intersection of CR 69 in Clay count=
@ Greater Prairie Chickens - Observed at Town Hall Prairie, Rothsay WMA and=20=
CR 26, 1 mile West of CR 15 in Wilkin county.<BR>
@ Great Horned Owl - located a bird on a nest along CR 21 about 2 miles nort=
h of CR 11 in Ottertail county.<BR>
@ Western Meadowlark - A single Meadowlark was observed and heard making its=
 call note along Clay County Road 11, just south of the town of Sabin.<BR>
@ Rusty Blackbird - a single Male Rusty Blackbird was observed at the same l=
ocation as the Great Horned Owl.<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
