[mou] Rice County - Carolina Wren still Present in Faribault

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:51:18 EST

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Spent the day birding in Rice County with Conny Brunell.  One of the 
highlights was refinding the Carolina Wren that Forest Strnad has posted of 
several occasions.  The bird was observed along the hiking trail behind the 
Trails edge Apartments at 715 Central Ave in the town of Faribault at 
10:00am.  Here are some of the other species of interest and new for the 
season that we observed today.

18 species of ducks were observed, with the largest number being observed at 
Well's Lake.  There were other flocks of waterfowl present at several 
locations on Lake Sakatah and along the bridge in the town of Warsaw.

@ Eastern Phoebe - several locations
@ Eastern Bluebird
@ Carolina Wren
@ Fox Sparrow
@ Rusty Blackbird

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">3/18/03<BR>
Spent the day birding in Rice County with Conny Brunell.&nbsp; One of the hi=
ghlights was refinding the Carolina Wren that Forest Strnad has posted of se=
veral occasions.&nbsp; The bird was observed along the hiking trail behind t=
he Trails edge Apartments at 715 Central Ave in the town of Faribault at 10:=
00am.&nbsp; Here are some of the other species of interest and new for the s=
eason that we observed today.<BR>
18 species of ducks were observed, with the largest number being observed at=
 Well's Lake.&nbsp; There were other flocks of waterfowl present at several=20=
locations on Lake Sakatah and along the bridge in the town of Warsaw.<BR>
@ Eastern Phoebe - several locations<BR>
@ Eastern Bluebird<BR>
@ Carolina Wren<BR>
@ Fox Sparrow<BR>
@ Rusty Blackbird<BR>