[mou] nesting White-winged Crossbills - Lake Co.

Jim Lind jimlind@lakenet.com
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 16:18:51 -0600

The White-winged Crossbill nest found during nest-building on 
February 15 in Two Harbors is still active.  The three young are now 
about 14 days old and they look almost fully grown.  

I found another nest this morning about 5 miles north of Two Harbors 
in an open stand of young white spruce and pines.  The nest is about 
12 feet up in a 25-foot tall white spruce, right against the trunk.  
The female was brooding three young that appeared to be 3-4 days old 
(small, with eyes still closed).  Both adults made trips to the nest.

I encourage anyone who is out birding in northeast Minnesota to spend 
some time following White-winged Crossbills.  With the huge spruce 
cone crop and all the crossbills around, this a great time to add to 
the scant nesting data from Minnesota.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors