[mou] Carver and Renville Co Birding...

connyb connyb@mycidco.com
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 18:12:18

This morning Leslie Marcus and I went through Carver Co on CR 11 and enjoyed many Eastern Meadowlarks, and Eastern Bluebirds singing away on the wires and tree tops.  In Carver, and Mcleod Co's we continued to see Great Blue Herons, Grackles, RWBB. Horned Larks, Killdeer, Red-tailed Hawks, Northern Harriers, Bald Eagles, and a good variety of Ducks in flooded fields along the way.

On the way into the town of Renville there were flooded fields near
 the Renville sugar beet ponds visible from US 212, and Co 21 with a good variety of Ducks easily seen from the road.  From 212 in Renville go North on Main St to RR tracks.  Since the Eurasian Collared -Doves had been seen both on the West and East side of the tracks we pulled off to the side of the Elevators where we could watch both sides.

A perfect time to pull out our Subway lunch in the 56 degree sunshine, and watch for activity along the tracks.  Seeing none we got out at 1pm and walked along the North side of the tracks going East, until we reached the last of the 4 elevators.  To our left low in the tree not visible until you were right across from it, the Eurasian Collared-Dove flushed up.  We were so lucky to have the sun at our backs shining right on it, while it sat perfectly still out in the open so close while we enjoyed every detail.  Then it flew off to a tree over on Emerson Ave NE, and thats the last we saw of it.  We saw Cedar Waxwings in the little park, and 5 Bald Eagles soared really low over the Grain Elevators.

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty