[mou] Saturday Birds

Richard Hoyme RHoyme@msn.com
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 16:53:10 -0600

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The Eurasian Collared-Dove is still in the town of Renville. I saw it tod=
ay near the grain elevators.

Other birds of interest in Renville county

First Blue-winged Teal of the Year. =20
Still lots of Horned Larks.
A few American Pipits.

The rest is what you would expect for mid March. Ducks, RW Blackbirds and=

Rick Hoyme =20
Hennepin County

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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>The Eurasian C=
ollared-Dove is still in the town of Renville. I saw it today near the gr=
ain elevators.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Other birds of interest in Re=
nville county</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>First Blue-winged Teal of the =
Year. </DIV> <DIV>Still lots of Horned Larks.</DIV> <DIV>A few American P=
ipits.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>The rest is what you would expect for=
 mid March. Ducks, RW Blackbirds and Grackles....</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=
 <DIV>Rick Hoyme </DIV> <DIV>Hennepin County<BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>
