[mou] West Skyline Hawk Count Duluth Summary for 22, 23 March

CarmanDave@aol.com CarmanDave@aol.com
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:54:28 EST

After two days of inclement weather, the raptor migration seems to be picking 
up.  In the first twenty-one days of March, we observed 150 raptor migrants; 
on Saturday, 22 March, 56 were recorded and another 62 were observed today, 
including a first of the season Sharp-shinned Hawk (Ad.) and a Turkey 
Vulture.  Other migrants included Canada Geese in flocks up to 30, Bohemian 
Waxwings in flocks up to 50 and the first grackles and robins of the season.

Count Totals:
22 March
Bald Eagle: 54
Red-tailed Hawk: 1
Rough-legged Hawk: 1
Total: 56

23 March
Turkey Vulture: 1
Bald Eagle: 58
Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1
Red-tailed Hawk: 1
Rough-legged Hawk: 1
Total: 62

1 March - 23 March
Turkey Vulture: 1
Bald Eagle: 242
Northern Harrier: 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1
Northern Goshawk: 3
Red-tailed Hawk: 2
Rough-legged Hawk: 9
Golden Eagle: 9
Total: 269

Dave Carman

Daily count totals are also posted on HawkCount.Org click on Hawk Ridge site.