[mou] Flycatcher and Veery at Roberts Bird Sanctuary

Heidi Ferguson Heidi.Ferguson@wcom.com
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:32:00 -0600

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I went to Robert's Bird Sanctuary this morning at 7.  I was hoping to hear
my first red winged black birds on the pond this year.  I did get to hear
them.  I was also treated to two very unusual migrants.  In what I call the
black swamp to the north of Bossen Lane (between the lane and the cemetery
storage sheds), I saw a flycatcher and  what I believe  was a veery.  The
flycatcher was very yellow underneath so I believe it was a yellow bellied
flycatcher.  (Correct me if this is too early).  The thrush was  a
brown/olive on top with a warm red brown tail.  The chest stripping was very
faint and the belly was clear of any markings.
Heidi Ferguson
Minneapolis, MN

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D80032219-27032003><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" =
size=3D2>I went to=20
Robert's Bird Sanctuary this morning at 7.&nbsp; I was hoping to hear my =
red winged black birds&nbsp;on the pond this year.&nbsp; I did get to =
them.&nbsp; I was also treated to two very unusual migrants.&nbsp; In =
what I=20
call the black swamp to the north of Bossen Lane (between the lane and =
cemetery storage sheds), I saw a flycatcher and&nbsp; what I =
believe&nbsp; was a=20
veery.&nbsp; The flycatcher was very yellow underneath&nbsp;so I believe =
it was=20
a yellow bellied flycatcher.&nbsp; (Correct me if this is too =
early).&nbsp; The=20
thrush was&nbsp; a brown/olive on top with a warm red brown tail.&nbsp; =
chest stripping was very faint and the belly was clear of any=20
<P><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"><FONT size=3D2>Heidi =
size=3D2><SPAN class=3D80032219-27032003>Minneapolis, MN=20
