[mou] Gull/Shorebird Enthusiasts

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 18:15:29 -0600

It appears that the main pools of Carlos Avery WMA have been drawn down for
some reason.  We presume that they were drawn down late last fall or this
winter as the area is covered with dead fish that are becoming rather
odiferous.  There were several hundred gulls there today.  All we could find
were Ring-billed and Herring but as more gulls return that should change.

There were also greater and lesser yellowlegs there and we would presume
that the number of species will climb as those birds start to come through.
There are huge mudflats that look very interesting.  Most of the area will
require a scope but the distances are not that large that with a scope good
views will be available.

The only problem will be the roads.  Today they bordered on near impassable
without a 4 wheel drive.  If you enter from the east (Wyoming exit off 35)
then you will avoid most of the poor roads.  We think our car was the only
non 4 wheel drive car in there today and we must admit that we felt a little
insecure in a couple of places.  Wish that the 4 wheel was not home in the

The sunrise portion of Carlos Avery (in Chisago county, on the other side of
35 from Stacy) also appears to have been drawn down.  The distances here are
longer but we would presume that some shorebirds will also appear here.
Counted some 20 eagles at once on the ice and mud here today feeding on dead

Dennis and Barbara Martin