[mou] Gunflint trail

Kent Nickell KentNickell@msn.com
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:21:31 -0600

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Enjoyed doing some birding over the weekend in northern Minnesota.  At Gu=
nflint Lodge near the end of Gunflint trail were many Purple Finches and =
American Goldfinches along with several Evening Grosbeaks and a Pileated =
Woodpecker.  Just south along the Gunflint trail were small flocks of Sno=
w Buntings.

On Hwy 2 north of Two Harbors didn't see the Spruce Grouse but were lots =
of Pine Siskins along with small groups of Purple Finches and White-winge=
d Crossbills. =20

Did a couple of hours of hiking the trails with one of the lodge naturali=
sts and while the birding wasn't spectacular was fun seeing wolf tracks a=
nd adjacent Common Raven tracks.

Have a few photos:

female EVGR     www.greenbackedheron.com/photo.cfm?setid=3D781
female PUFI      www.greenbackedheron.com/photo.cfm?photoid=3D1817

Good birding,  =20

Kent Nickell
Waterloo, Iowa

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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Enjoyed doing =
some birding over the weekend in northern Minnesota.&nbsp; At Gunflint Lo=
dge near the end of Gunflint trail were many Purple Finches and American =
Goldfinches along with several Evening Grosbeaks and a Pileated Woodpecke=
r.&nbsp; Just south along the Gunflint trail were small flocks of Snow Bu=
ntings.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>On Hwy 2 north of Two Harbors didn't=
 see the Spruce Grouse but were lots of Pine Siskins along with small gro=
ups of Purple Finches and White-winged Crossbills.&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp=
;</DIV> <DIV>Did a couple of hours of hiking the trails with one of the l=
odge naturalists and while the birding wasn't spectacular was fun seeing =
wolf tracks and adjacent Common Raven tracks.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DI=
V>Have a few photos:</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>female EVGR&nbsp;&nbsp;=
&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href=3D"http://www.greenbackedheron.com/photo.cfm?setid=3D=
781">www.greenbackedheron.com/photo.cfm?setid=3D781</A></DIV> <DIV>female=
 PUFI&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href=3D"http://www.greenbackedhero=
d=3D1817</A></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Good birding, &nbsp;<BR><BR>Ken=
t Nickell<BR><A href=3D"mailto:KentNickell@msn.com">KentNickell@msn.com</=
A></DIV> <DIV>Waterloo, Iowa</DIV></BODY></HTML>
