[mou] American Bittern - Woodlake Nature Center - Richfield

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Mon, 5 May 2003 19:35:33 EDT

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While birding at Woodlake Nature Center in Richfield this afternoon, Susan 
Schumacher observed an American Bittern.  The American Bittern was observed 
East of the main board walk at the edge of the cattails.  The bird was later 
observed flying into the central portion of cattails.  

@ American Bittern

We were also able to observe most of the Warblers previously reported by 
Conny Brunell.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">5/5/03<BR>
While birding at Woodlake Nature Center in Richfield this afternoon, Susan S=
chumacher observed an American Bittern.&nbsp; The American Bittern was obser=
ved East of the main board walk at the edge of the cattails.&nbsp; The bird=20=
was later observed flying into the central portion of cattails.&nbsp; <BR>
@ American Bittern<BR>
We were also able to observe most of the Warblers previously reported by Con=
ny Brunell.<BR>