[mou] Fw: [Mnbird] Hawk Ridge Needs YOU! (fwd)

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Mon, 5 May 2003 22:31:40 -0500

Thought I forward this email.

Mike H.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul L. Schumacher" <wnpauls@linux2.winona.msus.edu>
To: <mnbird@linux2.winona.msus.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 10:13 PM
Subject: [Mnbird] Hawk Ridge Needs YOU! (fwd)

> This message is forwarded by mnbird:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 19:53:29 -0600
> Hello, Fellow Birders:
> How many of us visit Hawk Ridge in Duluth each fall? Can I see a show of
> hands? Yep, most of us make a point to visit one of this country's stellar
> fall birding locations at least once each autumn -- and Hawk Ridge is one
> birding's best bargains, since it doesn't cost us a dime to visit.
> Just as we each need a dose of Lake Superior each fall, Hawk Ridge now
> something from us. Duluth Audubon is the nonprofit organization given the
> responsibility by the City of Duluth for the management of Hawk Ridge. If
> anything happens up there on the Ridge, Duluth Audubon would be
> Now, here's the rub: Duluth Audubon needs to purchase liability insurance
> cover its board and officers in case of a lawsuit. They've never had such
> insurance before, but these are litigious times.
> A recent fundraiser raised about half of the cash they need, but there's a
> shortfall, and here's where we come in: If each person who enjoys Hawk
> would send a check for, oh, $10 to Duluth Audubon, it would help
> If you could spare $15, even better! This is a one-time appeal, since once
> the group is on stable footing it envisions being able to successfully
> the dough in subsequent years. Here's where to send your check, and please
> be sure to enter 'For insurance fund' on the check's memo line:
> Duluth Audubon, c/o Biology Dept., University of Minnesota-Duluth,
> 10 University Drive, Duluth, Minn. 55812
> Thanks so much, in advance, I know birders are generous souls, and thanks,
> too, to MnBird for allowing me to make this appeal on behalf of Duluth
> Audubon!
> An interested party
> St. Paul, Minn.
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> Mnbird@linux2.winona.msus.edu
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