[mou] Golden-winged Warbler Survey: Help Needed!

Tom_Will@fws.gov Tom_Will@fws.gov
Fri, 9 May 2003 09:09:33 -0500

Survey Golden-winged Warblers for Conservation!

The Golden-winged Warbler is a bird that has drawn much attention. It is
currently experiencing range-wide declines, but details of its population
status currently are poorly known in Minnesota. The Cornell Lab of
Ornithology has initiated a citizen-science project called the
Golden-winged Warbler Atlas Project which engages volunteer birders and
professional biologists to survey and conduct point counts at known and
potential breeding sites of Golden-wings throughout their range. The
project is designed to determine the population status and habitat & area
requirements of Golden-winged Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, and their
hybrids. Minnesota is probably the single most important state in the U.S.
for Golden-wings, yet the atlas is very under-represented here.  Thus, for
the final season of the atlas project, we are especially interested in
obtaining valuable data throughout the birds' breeding range in Minnesota.

This year, we are focusing efforts on better understanding Golden-wing
relationships and extent of hybridization with Blue-wings. In order to meet
these objectives, we are using a Hybrid Index Protocol to generate a hybrid
index map.  Participants will choose one or more pages from the Minnesota
Delorme Atlas (gazetteer) and conduct a series of 10-minute point counts in
suitable Golden-wing habitat using a standardized pre-recorded song
playback tape.

Project participants will receive a research kit, which includes
instructions, data forms, a color poster of Golden-wings, Blue-wings, and
their hybrids, and a CD that will be used in the field for playback and
point counts.  You do not have to be a veteran birder to do this survey;
all you need to be able to do is to recognize Golden-wings and Blue-wings
by song and sight.

For more information and to volunteer, please contact the Minnesota state

Leakhena Au
(763) 389-3323 x.220

You can also contact the overall project leader at Cornell, Sara Barker, at
forest_birds@cornell.edu, (607) 254-2465.  Visit the Project website at

Please let Leakhena know how you would like to be involved in this
important conservation endeavor.  Thanks!