[mou] FW: New Study on the Importance of the Boreal Forest to Migratory Birds

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 09 May 2003 09:12:04 -0700

Forward by Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota

> From: Tom Will <Tom_Will@FWS.GOV>
> Reply-To: Tom_Will@FWS.GOV
> Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 07:42:17 -0500
> Subject: New Study on the Importance of the Boreal Forest to Migratory Birds
> This information on the Boreal Songbird Initiative was provided by:
> Marilyn Heiman
> Boreal Songbird Initiative
> 1823 Warren Ave. N.
> Seattle, WA.  98109
> 206-352-8046
> Marilynheiman@attbi.com
> New Report Released on the Vital Importance of Canada's Boreal Forest to
> North American Bird Life
> One in three birds across North America owes its existence to Canada's
> boreal forest.  New scientific evidence shows the fate of much of the
> continent's bird life depends on the future of this vast northern landscape
> ? a future that is now at a cross roads.  The evidence is detailed in the
> report, The Importance of Canada's Boreal Forest to Landbirds by biologist
> Peter Blancher of Bird Studies Canada.  The study, based on an
> unprecedented compilation of bird census data from across Canada and the
> United States, was released on May 10th, International Migratory Bird Day.
> Canada's boreal forest is the annual birthplace of as many as three billion
> of North America's warblers, thrushes, sparrows, hawks, woodpeckers and
> other land-living birds.  It is also the largest intact forested ecosystem
> left in the world. The boreal, however, is under increasing pressure from
> development.  Logging, agricultural conversion, oil and gas exploration and
> production, mining, and hydropower development are increasingly fragmenting
> the boreal.  The U.S. can play a critical role in protecting the boreal.
> U.S. consumers purchase much of the pulp and wood products, oil and gas,
> and hydropower produced from the boreal.
> Canada's boreal forest offers an unparalleled opportunity to save one of
> Earth's most important wilderness treasures.
> The Importance of Canada's Boreal Forest to Landbirds was commissioned by
> the U.S.-based Boreal Songbird Initiative and the Canadian Boreal
> Initiative.  The Boreal Songbird Initiative (BSI) is a new project
> dedicated to educating birdwatchers and naturalists throughout the United
> States about the importance of the boreal forest to migratory birds and
> assisting efforts in Canada to conserve it. To obtain a copy of the report,
> or find out more information about the Boreal Forest and birds, go to
> www.borealbirds.org or www.borealcanada.ca .