[mou] Anoka County

Robert Holtz holtz@noah.csp.edu
Sun, 11 May 2003 09:53:22 -0500

Yesterday five of us birded Anoka County from 6:00 - 1:00. It was not a 
great day for May 10th. Migration still seems a bit delayed. However, we 
did tally 102 (one member says 103; will need to check on our different 
counts) species. That included 15 warblers and 11 sparrows, including a 
first record LeConte's Sparrow in the Cedar Creek area. Shortly after 
seeing it we met Jim Howitz and told him about the sighting. He went to 
look for it as we went on our way. Last night he e-mailed me saying he had 
found two LeConte's and mentioned that this a first at Cedar Creek. We also 
found three American Bitterns in three separate locations.

Bob Holtz