[mou] Swift Co. Burrowing Owl not seen Sat. evening

George B Skinner george.skinner@gte.net
Sun, 11 May 2003 10:13:34 -0500

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George Skinner and I traveled west from Hennepin County, looking for =
birds with the hope of seeing the burrowing owl.  We birded on the drive =

west, stopping at:

McLeod County -
Glencoe sewage lagoons - 13 Wilson's phalaropes
Schaefer Prairie - bobolinks, Sora, red-winged and yellow headed =
In a wet spot across the road we saw least sandpiper, solitary sandpiper =
a lesser yellowlegs

from McLeod Co. west we saw a few horned larks per county.

Renville County
near Granite Falls we saw wild turkey, redtailed hawks, turkey vultures, =


By the time we reached Swift County and the previously posted burrowing =
location, it was 7 pm, very windy (30+ mph - the car was shaking) and it =
raining off and on.  We did not see the owl, who presumably was sensible =

enough to get inside out of the weather.

We did see a mystery bird - walking in the fields.  It was about the =
size of=20
an upland sandpiper with a bill the same length as the head, but the =
was much shorter than the upland sandpipers we've seen before - and the =
was mostly grey with a grey breast.  The eye seemed large, as we're used =
seeing on upland sandpipers.  Have any of you seen upland sandpipers =
around constantly with their necks 'retracted/contracted'?  It could =
looked grey due to the low light conditions.

Anne Hanley and George Skinner
Hennepin County

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<DIV><FONT size=3D2><FONT size=3D3>George Skinner and I traveled west =
from Hennepin=20
County, looking for prairie <BR>birds with the hope of seeing the =
owl.&nbsp; We birded on the drive <BR>west, stopping at:<BR><BR>McLeod =
-<BR>Glencoe sewage lagoons - 13 Wilson's phalaropes<BR>Schaefer Prairie =
bobolinks, Sora, red-winged and yellow headed blackbirds<BR>In a wet =
spot across=20
the road we saw least sandpiper, solitary sandpiper and <BR>a lesser=20
yellowlegs<BR><BR>from McLeod Co. west we saw a few horned larks per=20
county.<BR><BR>Renville County<BR>near Granite Falls we saw wild turkey, =

redtailed hawks, turkey vultures, <BR>bluebirds<BR><BR>By the time we =
Swift County and the previously posted burrowing owl <BR>location, it =
was 7 pm,=20
very windy (30+ mph - the car was shaking) and it was <BR>raining off =
on.&nbsp; We did not see the owl, who presumably was sensible <BR>enough =
to get=20
inside out of the weather.<BR><BR>We did see a mystery bird - walking in =
fields.&nbsp; It was about the size of <BR>an upland sandpiper with a =
bill the=20
same length as the head, but the neck <BR>was much shorter than the =
sandpipers we've seen before - and the bird <BR>was mostly grey with a =
breast.&nbsp; The eye seemed large, as we're used to <BR>seeing on =
sandpipers.&nbsp; Have any of you seen upland sandpipers walk <BR>around =

constantly with their necks 'retracted/contracted'?&nbsp; It could have=20
<BR>looked grey due to the low light conditions.<BR><BR>Anne Hanley and =
Skinner<BR>Hennepin County</FONT><BR></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
