[mou] Migratory Bird Day field trip

Steve & Jo Blanich blanich@emily.net
Sun, 11 May 2003 12:30:54 -0500

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The Bee-Nay-She Council Bird Club May 10 Migratory Bird Day field trip =
to Rice Lake Nat. Wildlife Refuge yielded 72 species, including 9 =
species of warblers, pair of Trumpeter Swans.  A Peregrine Falcon was =
observed by the refuge manager at nearby Kimberly WMA.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The Bee-Nay-She Council Bird Club May =
10 Migratory=20
Bird Day field trip to Rice Lake Nat. Wildlife Refuge yielded 72 =
including 9 species of warblers, pair of Trumpeter Swans.&nbsp; A =
Falcon was observed by the refuge manager at nearby Kimberly=20
