[mou] SE Minnestoa - 5/10/11, 2003

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 08:43:59 EDT

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While leading a group in SE, Minnesota over the weekend we observed a number 
of interesting species.  We relocated the Louisiana Waterthrush at Beaver 
Creek Valley State Park, the Henslow's Sparrows at Great River Bluff''s State 
Park, which were not singing in the wind on Friday afternoon, but were 
singing in a steady rain on Sunday morning.  Our total species count for the 
weekend was 134 and I added 4 more species after the group broke up.  Here 
are some of the more interesting species observed.

@ American Bittern - Wisconsin, flying over I 90 about 1 block East of the 
Minnesota boarder.
@ Swainson's Hawk - Fillmore County, Hyw, 44, 1 mile West of the intersection 
of Hyw 44 and CR 30.
@ Virginia Rail
@ Sora - both rails were heard and seen in the Marsh, just south of the town 
of Hokah in Houston County
@ Sandhill Crane
Lake Byllesby - observed most of the previously reported birds, but missed on 
the Piping Plover and Willet's.  The mud flats are still getting smaller and 
farther away.  But there were still two Ruddy Turnstones.
@ Hudsonian Godwit - Dodge County - CR 15 and Hyw 30.
@ Whip-poor-will - previously reported location at Vinegar Ridge - Houston 
16 species of Warbler, including
@ Prothonotary - Houston County at Millstone Landing and Mower County, From 
the town of Brownsdale go 3 miles north and then 7.5 miles East and look at 
the bridge. 
@ Louisiana Waterthrush - 4 or 5 observed along the creek north of the picnic 
@ Henslow's Sparrow - several ?, heard singing near the Queen's Bluff parking 

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">5/10/11/2003<BR>
While leading a group in SE, Minnesota over the weekend we observed a number=
 of interesting species.&nbsp; We relocated the Louisiana Waterthrush at Bea=
ver Creek Valley State Park, the Henslow's Sparrows at Great River Bluff''s=20=
State Park, which were not singing in the wind on Friday afternoon, but were=
 singing in a steady rain on Sunday morning.&nbsp; Our total species count f=
or the weekend was 134 and I added 4 more species after the group broke up.&=
nbsp; Here are some of the more interesting species observed.<BR>
@ American Bittern - Wisconsin, flying over I 90 about 1 block East of the M=
innesota boarder.<BR>
@ Swainson's Hawk - Fillmore County, Hyw, 44, 1 mile West of the intersectio=
n of Hyw 44 and CR 30.<BR>
@ Virginia Rail<BR>
@ Sora - both rails were heard and seen in the Marsh, just south of the town=
 of Hokah in Houston County<BR>
@ Sandhill Crane<BR>
Lake Byllesby - observed most of the previously reported birds, but missed o=
n the Piping Plover and Willet's.&nbsp; The mud flats are still getting smal=
ler and farther away.&nbsp; But there were still two Ruddy Turnstones.<BR>
@ Hudsonian Godwit - Dodge County - CR 15 and Hyw 30.<BR>
@ Whip-poor-will - previously reported location at Vinegar Ridge - Houston C=
16 species of Warbler, including<BR>
@ Prothonotary - Houston County at Millstone Landing and Mower County, From=20=
the town of Brownsdale go 3 miles north and then 7.5 miles East and look at=20=
the bridge. <BR>
@ Louisiana Waterthrush - 4 or 5 observed along the creek north of the picni=
c shelter.<BR>
@ Henslow's Sparrow - several ?, heard singing near the Queen's Bluff parkin=
g lot.<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
