[mou] Clark's and Western Grebes at Lake Byllesby-Dakota Co.

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:46:59

This afternoon at 12:40 Susan Schumacher and I saw a Light Adult Swainson's Hawk flying over US 52, and Co 42 in Rosemount.  We pulled off the road and watched it circle overhead low for 5 minutes, and got excellent looks.

When we pulled into Lake Byllesby and talked to Bill (?) he told us and Bruce, that he had seen 2 Western Grebes, and a Clarks Grebe on the west end.  We then went over and saw all three Grebes at close range, and were able to see all the field marks.  It was nice to have the Clark's next to only 2 Westerns, that made the contrast between the two stand out easily.

When we left at 2 the Grebes had moved a little farther out, and were headed east on the lake.  

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty