[mou] Dakota County Clark's Grebe and Cattle Egret Refound

MARK OCHS markochs9207@msn.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 21:25:10 -0500

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The earlier reported Clark's Grebe and 2 Western Grebes were on the extre=
me east end of Lake Byllesby, and were also joined by a Red-necked Grebe =
-- a little after 8:00 PM.  Carol/Paul Schumacher and Bob Dunlap also obs=
erved them with me.   Additionally, I observed the Cattle Egret with Jim =
Mattsson at 7:30PM in the same location as reported by Drew Smith.

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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>The earlier re=
ported Clark's Grebe and 2 Western Grebes were on the extreme east end of=
 Lake Byllesby, and were also joined by a Red-necked Grebe -- a little af=
ter 8:00 PM.&nbsp; Carol/Paul Schumacher and Bob Dunlap also observed the=
m with me.&nbsp;&nbsp; Additionally, I&nbsp;observed the Cattle Egret wit=
h Jim Mattsson&nbsp;at 7:30PM in the same location as reported by Drew Sm=
ith.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Mark<BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>
