[mou] WESTERN TANAGER at Lake Byllesby, Dakota County

Drewbec@aol.com Drewbec@aol.com
Wed, 14 May 2003 12:39:03 EDT

Not as exciting as the beautiful male bird at Wood Lake Nature Center, this 
morning at about 10:20, I found a female Western Tanager at Lake Byllesby. 
She was feeding in a Siberian Elm with a pair of Baltimore Orioles, just 
passed the spot where the dirt road that goes west from the cemetary hooks 
back over the hill. These trees are the ones closest to the road. After about 
10 minutes, she flew back into the trees that border the lake. I'd check the 
grassy stretch between this road and the orange gates that are the entrance 
to the far west end of the lake. Pending acceptance, this represents a long 
overdue first county record.

Drew Smith
Eagan, Dakota County