[mou] Kentucky Warbler: Lebanon Hills

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Thu, 15 May 2003 20:36:01 -0500

Thanks Steve!!!!   Rick and I followed your directions at Holland Lake in
Lebenon Hills and didn't find the Kentucky Warbler but we had a great
evening of birding.

We stood near the picnic table  looking east and saw:

Magnolia Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
American Redstart
Blue Winged Warbler
Golden Winged Warbler
 Tennesee Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Chestnut - Sided Warbler
American Redstart
Blue - Headed Vireo and
had a long and good look at 2 Bell's Vireos although we didn't hear them

Jeanne Specht

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