[mou] Male Summer Tanager, Lebanon Hills Park in Eagan, Dakota County

Sally Elwood ncc1701@minn.net
Thu, 15 May 2003 22:20:35 -0500

This evening I  followed Steve Westin's directions to look for the Kentucky
warbler he saw yesterday.  I didn't find it, but found a male Summer tanager
in the same area.

Directions:  Follow Steve's directions to where he saw the Kentucky warbler.
Continue a short ways down the trail into the woods.  When the trail turns
right go half way up the hill.  The bird was in the trees just off the left
of the trail.  After getting a good look at the bird for a minute it flew to
a tree in a clearing at the top of the hill.  It disappear shortly after
that when I wasn't looking.   I continued birding in the area, but didn't
find the Summer tanager again.

In addition to the Summer tanager I saw a Great-crested flycatcher, Eastern
towhees, Catbird, Magnolia warbler, Chestnut-sided warbler, Golden-winged
warbler, Wilson's warbler, and a Tennesse warbler in the same area.

Spring Lake Park was good this morning with a variety of warblers:
Tennessee, Nashville, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated
Green, Blackburnian, Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, American Redstart.  Also
found Blue-headed, Yellow-throated, and Red-eyed vireos, several Indigo
Buntings, and Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks.

Dave Elwood