[mou] Duluth: Saturday & Sunday

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 00:45:26 -0500

Had a great time birding the Hawk Ridge Birdathon.  Birding in Sax-Zim was productive, more so than in Duluth, which was
fogged in much of the day.  Many birds found by participants were represended by sightings of a single indivual.  Our
personal highlights included:
Cape May Warbler:  many calling in the bog, but a close view in Park Point in    Duluth was awesome.
Black Scouter fly-by  (only the second sighting in 17 years)
Am Bittern: many heard and two were seen.
Marbled Godwit: close fly-by
Black-backed Woodpeckers: near-by at a nest hole.  Leisure viewing through the scope.

On Sunday we went back to 40th Street and checked out Herding Is.  Birds not found the previous day included:
Ruddy Duck (40th Street in pond across the rairoad track.
Snow Goose (blue) on Herding Island

other highlights included at great warbler wave with

a killer look at several male Bay-brested

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan