[mou] Park Point

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 14:04:50 -0500

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On the north side of Herding Island there were the following birds:

  1.. 200+ Bonaparte's Gulls.  Scanned for a hour or so looking for a =
Little Gull.=20
  2.. 100 Common Terns  The pouring rain and fog made it hard to find a =
Artic Tern.=20
  3.. 3 Caspian Terns=20
  4.. 1 Whimbrel (the other 22 left)=20
  5.. 1 Willet=20
  6.. 3 Semipalmated Plovers=20
  7.. 5 Semipalmated Sandpipers
At Park Point along the road were a few warblers.  A Northern Parula, =
Cape May, Nashville, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow, Yellow-rump, Palm and =
a few Magnolias.  The weather was to cold and the winds haven't switched =
over to the NW yet and the even though it was foggy/rainy out there was =
no signs of any fall out situation on the point. UGH!

This spring migration is late and with all the sunny east win days we =
been getting lately many migrants are just zipping over Duluth.  Than =
again the bog area in Sax Zim wasn't busting with birds either.  I have =
no idea what is going on with this spring and hopefully some day there =
will be yet a good fall out situation at Park Point.  Its only mid May =

Mike H.
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<DIV>On the north side of Herding Island there were the following =
  <LI>200+ Bonaparte's Gulls.&nbsp; Scanned for a hour or so looking for =
  Little Gull.=20
  <LI>100 Common Terns&nbsp; The pouring rain and fog made it hard to =
find a=20
  Artic Tern.=20
  <LI>3 Caspian Terns=20
  <LI>1 Whimbrel (the other 22 left)=20
  <LI>1 Willet=20
  <LI>3 Semipalmated Plovers=20
  <LI>5 Semipalmated Sandpipers</LI></OL>
<DIV>At Park Point along the road were a few warblers.&nbsp; A Northern =
Cape May, Nashville, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow, Yellow-rump, Palm and =
a few=20
Magnolias.&nbsp; The weather was to cold and the winds haven't switched =
over to=20
the NW yet and the even though it was foggy/rainy out there was no signs =
of any=20
fall out situation on the point. UGH!</DIV>
<DIV>This spring migration is late and with all the sunny east win days =
we been=20
getting lately many migrants are just zipping over Duluth.&nbsp; Than =
again the=20
bog area in Sax Zim wasn't busting with birds either.&nbsp; I have no =
idea what=20
is going on with this spring and hopefully some day there will be yet a =
fall out situation at Park Point.&nbsp; Its only mid May still.</DIV>
<DIV>Mike H.</DIV>
