[mou] Rookery on Lake Waconia and Murphy Hanrahan birds - Spotted Towhee

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 13:31:14 -0700 (PDT)


Sunday May 18, 2003 Spotted Towhee seen between trail
markers #2 and #3.  The bird was calling which drew my
attention because it was different from the Eastern
Towhees that were calling and singing.  He hopped out
in the open for a 3 second look then moved back into
the underbrush and called and sang.  

I was out with some friends on Lake Waconia in their
boat  late Saturday afternoon and was suprised to see
what appears to be a large rookery on the island in
the middle of the lake.  There were large numbers of
Double-crested Cormorants, Great Egret, Great Blue
Heron, and Black-crowned Night Heron.  I was unaware
of this rookery, and it appears to be very active.

I was out on Sunday at Murphy Hanrahan and refound the
male Hooded Warbler reported by Connie Brunell .5
miles from the park entrance near the orange gate.  I
then trecked into the park to see if I could locate
the Hooded Warblers and Acadian Flycather reported by
Bob Dunlap.  I found one of the Hooded Warblers
singing near trail maker #4, but struck out on the
Acadian and other Hoodeds.  I think a visit in the
morning instead of the late afternoon would have been
more productive.


Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN

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