[mou] Itasca County - Willet - 5/19/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 06:27:48 EDT

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While participating on a field trip to Itasca County with Carol Schumacher.  
A Willet was observed at the White Oak Lake boat landing, which is just South 
of the town of Deer River.  I first observed the bird feeding in a line of 
weeds and small line of rocks in the water to the South West of the parking 
area.  Despite inclimate weather the distinctive Black & White pattern on the 
wings were very easy to observe and the entire group was able to see the bird 
as it walked along the weed line.  

@ Willet

Watch for a future posting on other birds observed by Carol's group.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">5/19/03<BR>
While participating on a field trip to Itasca County with Carol Schumacher.&=
nbsp; A Willet was observed at the White Oak Lake boat landing, which is jus=
t South of the town of Deer River.&nbsp; I first observed the bird feeding i=
n a line of weeds and small line of rocks in the water to the South West of=20=
the parking area.&nbsp; Despite inclimate weather the distinctive Black &amp=
; White pattern on the wings were very easy to observe and the entire group=20=
was able to see the bird as it walked along the weed line.&nbsp; <BR>
@ Willet<BR>
Watch for a future posting on other birds observed by Carol's group.<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
