[Mnbird] Re: [mou] the migration in general

Tom Soulen soule001@tc.umn.edu
Tue, 20 May 2003 16:33:35 -0500

To provide a few more details, it turns out that this young man sent a
second message to the Wisconsin Birdnet that day, reporting his having
found an additional two warbler species in the evening, making his total
for the day an unbelievable 32 species of warblers!  There have been a fair
number of times when I've not found that many species in an entire year.

Tom Soulen
St. Paul

At 06:18 PM 5/19/03 -0700, Jim Williams wrote:
>This from the Wisconsin bird net, a perspective on migration to the south
>and east.
>Jim Williams
>30 warbler species - Prairie, Yellow-throated, & YB ChatIt sounds like Sean
>experienced a pretty good "island-concentration" effect within his woods;
>this is no surprise as last night's migration was the best on radar since
>the night of the 9th-10th. A look at the weather map shows a very typical
>spring migration scenario with a big high off to the east such that the
>southerly flow from the high provided a nice tailwind ahead of a cold front.
>Migration is detected on radar usually into mid-June but I'll bet that this
>was the last big May night; hope I'm wrong.
>John I, Milwaukee
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Sean Fitzgerald
>To: wisbirdn
>Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 2:09 PM
>Subject: 30 warbler species - Prairie, Yellow-throated, & YB Chat
>> From: tapaculo@fishnet.com
>> Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 11:28:02 -0500
>> To: MnBird@linux2.winona.msus.edu
>> Cc: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
>> Subject: [mou] the migration in general
>> People have been sharing their enjoyable sightings on MN-Bird, but it might
>> be valuable for this "online community" to pool observations of the 2003
>> migration in general (and of course any objective measures).
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