[mou] mystery warbler?

Hoeger-Lerdal prh@hutchtel.net
Sun, 25 May 2003 08:31:11 -0500

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Relocated my mystery warbler this am and got better looks in the morning =
sunlight. Grayish cap, gray-green back, no wing-bars or any other =
markings on back or wings, clear eyebrow (a whitish-yellow color), =
drab-whitish underneath, from lower throat to undertail. no streaking or =
markings at all underneath---smallish, 5" or less, foraging in ash trees =
about 10-15 ft. above ground.  Has not made a sound yet in the 4 =
seperate times I have located it.  Looks very much like a Tennessee =
(there are many in the trees nearby) BUT it has an ORANGE face, orange =
down to the very upper part of the throat.  Could it possibly be a =
Blackburnian-Tennessee hybrid?
this doesn't make sense to me, but it is very cool-looking!!
Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Relocated my mystery warbler this am =
and got better=20
looks in the morning sunlight. Grayish cap, gray-green back, no =
wing-bars or any=20
other markings on back or wings, clear eyebrow (a whitish-yellow color), =

drab-whitish underneath, from lower throat to undertail. no streaking or =

markings at all underneath---smallish, 5" or less, foraging in ash trees =
10-15 ft. above ground.&nbsp; Has not made a sound yet in the 4 seperate =
times I=20
have located it.&nbsp; Looks very much like a Tennessee (there are many =
in the=20
trees nearby) BUT it has an ORANGE face, orange down to the very upper =
part of=20
the throat.&nbsp; Could it possibly be a Blackburnian-Tennessee=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>this doesn't make sense to me, but it =
is very=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Pete Hoeger, =
