[mou] Dakota Co.

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Sun, 25 May 2003 02:34:05 -0500

Lebanon Hills: Saturday am:
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
prob Arcadian Flycatcher (seen above trail along Holland Lake)
Canada Warbler (several)
Kentucky Warbler (two singing)  The first is according to directions given earlier.  The second:  After you make the first
turn to go to the Tanager & other Kentucky, turn right at the next trail intersection.  Follow the hiking trail left at the
next intersection.  The bird was heard singing across the trail from the pond.

Shorebird Report early evening Saturday:

Empire (west of Jrik):  Not as much habitat or as many birds:
Semi-palmated Plover >24
SB Dowitcher 4 or 5
Spotted Sandpiper
Semi-palmated Sandpiper
Least  Sandpiper

Lake Byllesby: Birds not close and most chased away by Peregrine
Semi-palmated Plover
Spotted Sandpiper
Semi-palmated Sandpiper
Bairds Sandpiper

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan