[mou] help for baby blue jays...

Christine Olson christine37o@yahoo.com
Mon, 26 May 2003 07:12:38 -0700 (PDT)

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Saturday evening, some neighborhood children brought to me a nest of four baby blue jays.  Apparently, crows attacked the nest and killed a parent.  The children scared off the crows, and "rescued" the babies.
As of now, I have had no luck connecting with a bird rehabilitator on this holiday weekend.  With expert advice and guidance from Laura Erickson, I have been able to maintain the babies -I actually think they are thriving- except for one.  While three seem alert, strong, aggressive, and are eating heartily, one is in a more fragile state.  He seldom opens his eyes, and does not eat with the vigor or the frequency of the others.  Is there anything I can do for this bird?  Force feed somehow?  If it appears that he's deteriorating, do I remove him from his siblings?
Though taking care of these babies has been a unique, challenging, and rewarding experience, I am anxious to get them to someone qualified to care for them, if possible.  But until then, I just want to do the best I can for them.  Any input would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Christine Olson - Chisholm


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<DIV>Saturday evening, some neighborhood children brought to me a nest of four baby blue jays.&nbsp; Apparently, crows attacked the nest and killed a parent.&nbsp; The children scared off the crows, and "rescued" the babies.</DIV>
<DIV>As of now, I have had no luck connecting with a bird rehabilitator on this holiday weekend.&nbsp; With expert advice and guidance from Laura Erickson, I have been able to maintain the babies -I actually think they are thriving- except for one.&nbsp; While three&nbsp;seem alert, strong, aggressive, and are eating heartily, one is&nbsp;in a more fragile state.&nbsp; He seldom opens his eyes, and does not eat with the vigor or the frequency&nbsp;of the others.&nbsp; Is there anything I can do for this bird?&nbsp; Force feed somehow?&nbsp; If it appears that he's deteriorating, do I remove him from his siblings?</DIV>
<DIV>Though taking care of these babies has been a unique, challenging, and rewarding experience, I am anxious to get them to someone qualified to care for them, if possible.&nbsp; But until then, I just want to do the best I can for them.&nbsp; Any input would be appreciated!</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you!</DIV>
<DIV>Christine Olson - Chisholm</DIV><BR><BR><DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#407f00 size=5><STRONG><IMG style="WIDTH: 31px; HEIGHT: 29px" height=29px src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/40.gif" width=31px>Peace</STRONG></FONT></DIV></DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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